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As a company, we recognize and accept the imperatives to being a responsible retail organization by proactively addressing environmental, social, and economic concerns within the areas of our business.

We Believe in Team Work

At MQV, we appreciate each other presence and perspective and so treat everyone with dignity. We think as one unit and work together across departments to advance our business and provide unparalleled value to our customers.

We Put Humanity Above All Else

As highly empathetic people, we can bring out the best in each other and the company as a whole. We encourage others to take charge and welcome multiple points of view. Coworkers are listened to, and their insights are considered.

We Strive To Get Better Everyday

There’s always an itch to scratch seeking a more optimal path. Especially at our company, we actively seek feedback and use it to enhance our responsiveness, expertise, and flexibility. The improvements we make every day, no matter how large or tiny, add to our business improvement processes.

We Promote the Culture of Cost Consciousness

When it comes to our customer’s money, we want to help save huge amounts. And since we care about providing the best value, we can help people of all income levels live more sustainably with our quality merchandise and competitive pricing structure.

We’re an Ethically Responsible Clothing Store

As a company, we practice corporate social responsibility and encourage our customers to follow in our footsteps. For e.g., we ensure the ethical production of products, use eco-friendly packaging for our materials, and do no testing on animals. We are a 100% sustainable and eco-friendly clothing service.

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